Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snowflakes and slush and footprints, oh my!

Snowflakes keep falling from the sky...

Slush and footprints galore...

Winter is here.

White and cold.

Crisp and bitter!

No fewer than twice a day, there are wet boots, dripping mittens, and piles of snow gear piled on my dining room floor. Beet red noses and watery eyes peak up at me from under mounds of blankets on the couch...begging to just cuddle and read or watch a movie. The afternoons, when school and chores are done, stretch out long and lazy. We find ourselves cuddling more and talking more.

This is the stuff that feeds my soul!

These are the days I feel rested.

And when I hoist myself from my cocoon...I busy myself with mopping the footprints, and drying the snow gear, and try to remember it was worth the effort.

And then I smile...and let them do it all again!

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