Thursday, November 24, 2011

hApPy ThAnKsGiViNg

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for this year...healthy, happy children. Another year of homeschooling underway and going well. Family that we love. A warm and sturdy home. Another year of getting to be together.
But most of all...we welcomed our sixth child to our family November 5th.

Jude Aaron Cangelosi joined us at 6:52pm, weighing in at 8lbs. 10ozs., and 21 1/4 inches long. I had contractions on and off through out the day, but nothing ever constant or encouraging that Jude was coming that day.It turned out that he was our quickest labor, just 39 minutes from placing the call to the midwife. So from the time of intense contractions starting, it was around 45 minutes. It has also been my fastest recovery! Praise the Lord! Jesse and Emily were there, and were my labor support. The midwife arrived in time to catch his shoulders! Emily was such a great help to Jesse. And I continue to be amazed at the wonderful and capable husband the Lord gave me. He is amazing! Jude is such a wonderful baby. He is sweet and such a great sleeper. He is so mellow and laid back. Just what we needed!

Thank you for your love and prayers. We are so grateful. We pray that you all have a blessed and enjoyable Thanksgiving. Take joy and pleasure in you family today and remember, you have so much to give thanks for!

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