Friday, September 30, 2011

rainy days and foggy evenings...

Fall is setting in with more than its share of rain and fog.

Neither is very helpful to create an environment for comfy pregnant mamas that need to be sitting in the baseball bleachers.

But, baseball is wrapping up and football is nearing the end of its season, well for Joshua's mini-black team anyways...

We have all enjoyed the sports this fall, but will love the time at home in the evenings we will have through the winter. These will be interrupted twice a week, but that is like a vacation when compared with out spring, summer, and fall!

I only have 5-6 weeks left of this pregnancy. Baby is showing plenty of evidence that he prefers an October birthday to November one. Each day this finds me resting and putting my hand on my ever growing bump to encourage him to enjoy his little womb. And I offer up a prayer to keep him in there awhile longer.

School is proving to be more difficult this year...our curious two-year old and attention needy kindergartner provide us with plenty of spiritual refining each day. This finds me looking for new ways to juggle and attempt our education...Maybe even some know since we are only six weeks into the year and all.

God has been so good though. Today, while I took a day off of my feet to rest, Emily stepped up and ran the house...meals, baths, potty breaks, and cleaning. This helped me to see the women she is becoming and can be with encouragement. I am encouraged after several particularly trying weeks. The little ones obeyed her for the most part and I have a list of ways to work on them now too. The older boys we so glad to help and have meals on time...I think we can manage this new little one coming into the fold soon.

For tonight, I am staying in and making cookies with Bethany and Jeremiah while the others are either napping late or at the high school football game with Daddy. Joshua is being recognized for all his hard work on the football field and Emily needed a break from today to enjoy time with Daddy...

Rain and fog cannot change the heart of our is full of love and matter how uncomfortable or tired we may be. No matter how busy or in need of encouragement.

We have Him, Who makes our hearts merry.

And I have a pretty amazing family too!

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