Monday, September 19, 2011

early morn...

I sit here early this morning in the dreary fall light. I am thinking about our family. Our togetherness, the children's school work, sports, and meals. I look about the house thinking of how to encourage even more creativity and home centeredness...
I realize that much of what we have and who we are centers around the years we spent as 'nomads' traveling around the country with my dear Jesse. Bits and pieces exist in our lives and our home that are reflections of who we were and who we are becoming.
It is lovely.
I think that with the birth of sweet Baby J in the next few weeks, we are entering a new and exciting season. Six children will most surely put us into the large family category. And as the winter sets in and the animals hibernate, I think that renewal will enter our home. I feel like I have a vision of who Jesse and I are and who our children are turning into. A part of this renewal will be mental and spiritual,but some physical. I am purging again and eager to design the interior of our home into a reelection of who WE are. In the same way I want to steer my children toward the Lord and and a daily life that includes more home focus...not lacking sports mind you though...but molding a love for things simple and already here...I am excited. This journey and vision poke through my mind like the first bright rays of sunshine this morning.

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