Monday, August 29, 2011

all in a night's schedule

In half an hour I am off again...

Football and baseball this evening. Visiting with ballpark buddies. Dirt and Lollipops.

I sit here and shake my times this all seems like to much to put on our family as a whole. We seem to live at the ball park.

Then, I sit back and really look at my children. The sheer joy their sports and play time bring each of them and I know it is all worth it.

I look in my husband's face and see the pleasure he takes in seeing his children learn to dig in and work hard. Priceless...

I have often gone back and forth about sports -vs- plain hard work. We are not farmers. My husband doesn't want animals...not even the dog and cat that are a 'part' of our family. He works away from the home. We desire our children to work hard with joy and to pull into our family as a part of a team. And, for our family, sports are doing a fantastic job of this.

I am so excited to see where swimming takes Emily, Baseball and Basketball take Jeremiah, Baseball and Football take Joshua, and what Bethany, Jonathan, and Baby 'J' will choose and wehere they will go.

Our children work hard. They play hard. And, they are being a family 'hard'...pulling into each other and us. Being a team and a unit. And loving evey moment!

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