Friday, September 23, 2011

who i am today...

with all the change we have been talking about and entertaining...i have been wondering just who i am today. not WHO i actually am, as in like lost identity, but who is this women i have become. shaped by Jesus, motherhood, and life.

i have discovered that i think i like her.

i have been a wife now for thirteen years. i am not the same young girl jesse married, but, i am a better, more improved version that he loves even more. i have conceived and nurtured 5 children with one more on the way. in no way am i supermom. in no way am i selfless. but, i am changed and forever a better person. one that is still being shaped daily by the trails of life that our growing family provides.

i have always loved beauty and art,but now i desire to create things. that is new. i want to decorate and design. to beautify and touch up.

i have sought to be a vessel. used by Him, however, whenever He has need or desire. i continue seeing Him use me daily. sometimes in a large way. other days in the daily tasks that i call life.

i am who i am today...because of Who i allowed to shape me. His vision. His will. like hermie and wormie, God's not finished with me yet. but gosh i am excited to see where he is taking me.

in this season, there are many hard days. our family faces many of the same challenges others face. but i have a hope and a Father i can call on. and while these days come and go, He is the same. it is this unwavering One that is my Lord that guides me and helps me.

today, tomorrow, and years from now...

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