Sunday, January 18, 2009

God and weightloss....

So, what does God have to do with my weight loss? Other than a load of prayer and faith? Plenty!I have about 35 pounds to lose...not just from Jonathan, but 7 from Bethany! I did pretty good with this last pregnancy, but didn't exercise much self-control or discipline the last time, or exercise either! This time I exercised that godly attribute,self-control, at least a bit more often than not! I used my self-control. I exercised prudence when dessert time rolled around usually...
We don't need extreme diets, miracle pills, or special herbs if we just follow the principle of moderation. If we exercise self-control and discipline in our eating, we glorify Him and maintain our health. Not to mention a slimmer waist line!
I am trying to exercise these very things in my own life and I urge you to too, in whatever arena you need to win in. When the going is tough, PRAY! He will give you strength to finish that work out, push those calorie-laden treats away, and enjoy those fiber- filled veggies a whole lot more! He is always there and always faithful.

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